In the world of PROJECT ODYSSEY, expect great journey, good combat, and an epic adventure, as you face your final choice: Save Odysseia from the grasping, cold hands of the Asterians, or dispel perpetual war under the iron fist of the Titanomachy?


Odysseia, wartorn and under duress for nearly a decade, still
has optimism, to ride out the seemingly eternal waves of war
for peace. Will you hold the torch to victory and peace,
or let the realm shrivel in perpetual war?


Embark on a journey across Odysseia to unravel a mystery
that has the isles shook; the Artifact stolen,
and either solve it, safeguarding the isle from power-hungry madmen,
or let it succumb to the ever-powerful nature of the Artifact?


Discover new regions and places of interest to loot, complete quests, and engage in combat with it's... let 's just say, inhospitable inhabitants.

The POI in this image is the Kratoric Ruins.


Currently, Project Odyssey is under development
to help populate it's vast open world and
to provide the best experience we can.
If you're interested, consider joining our Discord server
to follow development and get all the coolest deets
regarding progress and potential beta access!